~Book Review: Emmy & Oliver~

My Rating:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4.75)

My Thoughts:

    I had such a fun time reading this book! After reading the synopsis, I was hooked. It sounded like such a cool concept and the book did not disappoint. Emmy and Oliver were childhood friends and they had a chance of becoming something more. But Oliver was kidnapped by his dad and now, ten years later, Oliver came back and it's a wild mess of pesty reporters and family drama. Old romances rekindled but Oliver wasn't the same seven-year-old boy who left anymore.

    Emmy was one of the main characters (hence the name of the book) and while she wasn't the one kidnapped, her whole life was affected by it. She grew up watching reporters and police come and go, but none was able to find Oliver. She spent ten years hoping—like everybody else—that he would come back home. But the tragedy left her parents shocked and extremely overprotective. Emmy knew her parents wouldn't consent to her surfing, but she loved it. She loved being able to feel the wind in her hair and freedom. The freedom that she lacked growing up. Emmy wasn't a special character in anyways. She wasn't a character that I absolutely love. I do like her but there are not any strong qualities to make me love her. Though she is always there for Oliver and that was a big part in the book.

    Oliver struggled so much throughout this book and I felt so bad for him. He was taken away from his mother for ten years. Then came back to find his mom had remarried and had two twin girls. His childhood friends grew up with each other and he felt a little left out. His dad left immediately when Oliver was found and a part of him didn't want his father to be found. Oliver had to make some tough decisions. But lucky for him, Emmy was always there to listen.

    This book was told in Emmy's POV and I think it would've been better if we had Oliver's POV as well as Emmy's.  The story was mostly about him and it would've been better if we get to see what his thoughts are. The romance was very cute and their relationship didn't have much drama in it. Though, the family drama makes up for it.

    I had a lot of fun and overall, it was a very solid and really quick read. There was just enough drama to keep the story interesting. The banters were my favorite part of the book. The jokes, sarcasm, and witty comebacks had me laughing throughout the book. 🥰

    This book can be found here on Amazon and Goodreads!

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