About The Blog & Me


    I LOVE reading. I get to go on so many adventures but more importantly, I get to share them with people who love books like me. So that's the whole point of this blog. I wanted to create it to share my thoughts on books with people who get books.

    I'm pretty new at this so please be patient. I would love to hear book suggestions or ANY suggestions you might have regarding books and this blog.

    I usually stick to YA (young adult) books and I am willing to read ALL kinds. of genres. Contemporary, dystopian, sci-fi, fantasy...If you have any recommendations for me, I would love to hear about them! 

    I started loving books about three years ago. I decided to pick up the first Harry Potter book. I read through the book so fast I went and got the second book. Then the third, fourth, fifth...and the next thing I knew. I finished the whole series and I was crying on my bed. From that, I decided to pick up other books and ended really loving them too. And now, here I am. Starting a book blog because of the boy who lived. I really owe everything to Harry, Ron, and Hermione!

    I love reading in the bedroom or out in my backyard when the weather's nice. I love hanging out with my friends even though some of them drive me up the wall. I still love them anyway. I love spending time with my family. Especially when we take road trips! I like binge-watch booktubers and random stuff on YouTube.

    Like...Havana 'Calculator Cover'. I know...not very productive.

    I enjoy books that get me out of my comfort zone and let me explore the world. That's the whole point of reading, isn't it? Enjoying something you would never think to do right in your bedroom...

    That's...me. I'm a weirdo who loves to read and have fun. And I hope you do too since I plan on having a lot of fun on my blog!


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