September 2020 TBR!

    Hi, and welcome back to my blog!

    Wow! August is almost over and September is just around the corner. No, literally, it's tomorrow. I can't believe we're almost three-quarters of the way through the year already! It seemed like yesterday I was with my family counting down the seconds until 2020. Little did I know that a deadly virus would take over the world and leave me without seeing my friends for five months. And WORSE, that the library would close!

    But that was in the past (well...ish). My library has opened again...thankfully. And school is starting up really soon and I'll be able to see my friends then. Right now, though, I am going to discuss the 5 books I will be getting to this upcoming September.

    August Recap

    While discussing what I'm going to read this September, I will also be telling you how my August reading month went. Personally, I didn't feel like it went that good. And judging from the look of my Goodreads, it agrees with me. I've only read 15 books this month. Yes, this is a lot for some people. But for me, that's moderate, especially during the summer. The books that I read were really enjoyable though. Most of them were four stars, a few five, and one three:
  • Matched by Ally Condi (3.75 stars)
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (reread & audiobook) (5 stars)
  • Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (5 stars)
  • Stuck With You by Christina Mandelski (4 stars)
  • The Action Bible: God's Redemptive Story by David C. Cook (5 stars)
  • Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith (4.75 stars)
  • Witchy by Ariel Ries (4 stars)
  • Just One Day by Gayle Forman (4 stars)
  • I'll Be the One by Lila Lee (audiobook) (4 stars)
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin (5 stars)
  • The Betrothed by Kiera Cass (3 stars)
  • Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka (audiobook) (4 stars)
  • Just One Year by Gayle Forman (4 stars)
  • Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway (4.75 stars)
    I have the link to one of the books that I did a review on this blog, but most of the other I did my reviews on Goodreads.

    Now! Onto the more exciting thing. My upcoming TBR! It's definitely not set in stone. I can think of so many times where I diverted from the list. These are just five that I know I will get to in September. I will be borrowing and buying more books in this upcoming month, but I don't exactly know what they will be yet. So I can't really incorporate them on this list. 

    But to start of first...(this list is in no particular order)

    1. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
    I do love a good historical fiction once in a while. I really enjoy reading them so on a whim, I decided to buy Salt to the Sea. Of what I could get from the synopsis, the story really intrigued me.

    On January 30, 1945, an overcrowded German cruise liner was supposed to ferry "wartime personnel" and refugees to safety. But 10,500 passengers (the maximum capacity was approximately 1,800) and more than 9,000 people, including 5,000 children, died.

    The thing I love most about historical fiction is while the story may be fictional, a lot that happened in the book is accurate. And that's exactly this story. The book follows four different people as they experienced the sinking in the Baltic Sea.

    This sounds like such a chilling and meaningful story. Perfect for a September read. I've never heard of this certain event before...but I'm excited to learn more.

    2The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

    Sarah Dessen is known for her amazing contemporary. They're fun to read but they also hold a lot of meaningful lessons. Most of the books I've read by Sarah Dessen I have loved. So I am planning on reading—and hopefully loving—The Truth about Forever.

    Macy Queen is looking forward to a very dull summer. Her boyfriend is going away. She's stuck with a boring dishwater job at the library (wait, what?). And she's spending the rest of her time studying for the SATs and grieving the unexpected death of her father. But Macy is corralled into helping out at one of her mom's house events. Which is where she meets the Wish Catering crew. She joins them and finds that she loves everything about the work and the people. But most of all, Wes, who gets Macy to look at life in a whole new way.

    Sounds like a perfect summer read! If only I didn't plan on reading it at the beginning of fall. Oh well.
    3Ten Things We Did by Sarah Mlynowski

    I recently just discovered Sarah Mlynowski and I really liked her book, Gimme a Call. This sounded so good that I decided to pick it up and give it a try.

    Sixteen-year-old April had the chance of living parent-free with her friend Vi. Well, maybe a little lie to her dad was at work. Getting through the year, April will have to juggle a love triangle (ooh!), learn to do her own laundry, and accepting that her perfectly and carefully constructed world might be falling thing-she-shouldn't-have-done at a time.

    This sounds like the perfect recipe for disaster....and a lot of fun!

    4Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Vol. 1 by Naoko Takeuchi
    Not going to lie, I am a huge Sailor Moon fan. I've watched the show as a young kid and am binge watching it again. While searching the internet one day, I found out that the popular show was originally a graphic novel. The book nerd in me can't help it! I have to read this! Lucky for me, one of my nearby libraries has the entire series. So this September, I will not only read the first volume but hopefully several (haha! I'm not done watching the show yet...).

    Usagi Tsukino was just a normal clumsy girl when she met a cat named Luna. Little did she know that the Luna could talk and that she would become Sailor Moon. As Sailor Moon, Usagi must fight evils and enforce justice. She also meets up with other Sailor Senshi. But Usagi's destiny comes with sacrifices...

    Yes, it sounds...weird. But trust me, the show is wildly entertaining!

    5. Skyhunter by Marie Lu

    Marie Lu definitely knows what she's doing when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy. I mean, just take a look at the Legend trilogy! So when I heard Marie Lu was coming out with a new series, I just have to be one of the first to read it. 
So thank you SO MUCH to NetGalley for letting me have an eARC of the book!

    Mara is one of the last free nations in the world after the Karensa Federation has conquered a dozen countries. Many refugees flee to Mara's borders to escape their fate that worse than death—being transformed into Ghosts, mutated war beasts the Federation sends to attack Mara. But Mara's elite fighting force, the legendary Strikers, are trained to stop these monsters. But the number of Ghosts grows and the defeat of Mara seems inevitable. Talin Kanami refuses to give up hope though. She knows firsthand the brutality of the Federation. She finds comfort among her fellow Strikers who swore their life to push Karensa back at all costs. After another devastating battle, Mara seems ready to fall. But a mysterious prisoner is brought from the front and Talin senses there's more to him than meets the eye. Who the heck is he?

    Ah! That sounds so good! And the cover is gorgeous!

    Thank you for reading (or listening) to my September TBR. I'm looking forward to next month's reading. Take care and have an amazing rest of your day! 😊

    Here are the links to the five books mentioned above!
    Follow me on Goodreads, Pinterest, and Instagram!

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