~Book Review: The Truth About Forever~


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    My Rating: 
    ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4)

    My Thoughts:

    Happy Thursday, book lovers, and welcome back to my blog!

    If you have read my last review, it was a Sarah Dessen book. Well, I'm back with a review for another SD book and honestly, I can copy that review and paste it onto here.
Sixteen-year-old Macy Queen is looking forward to a long, boring summer. Her boyfriend is going away. She's stuck with a dull-as-dishwater job at the library. And she'll spend all of her free time studying for the SATs or grieving silently with her mother over her father's recent unexpected death. But everything changes when Macy is corralled into helping out at one of her mother's open house events, and she meets the chaotic Wish Catering crew. Before long, Macy joins the Wish team. She loves everything about the work and the people. But the best thing about Wish is Wes—artistic, insightful, and understanding Wes—who gets Macy to look at life in a whole new way, and really start living it.

    Like I said in my earlier review about The Rest of the Story, I really liked Sarah Dessen's different family conflicts. But having read six of her books, I find the them to be...repetitive. The main character lost one of her parents or they're divorced, and she has to deal with grief and adjust to a new life. And I really do appreciate SD writing these stories, but for me, it got boring really fast.

    Macy and most of SD's other characters are like carbon copies of each other. Though, there might be some differences. I would like more diversity or different personalities and interests. Sadly, Macy is not a very memorable character. I really hate saying bad things about a book. But the whole point of a review is to point out all of the good and bad things about a book. I don't hate Macy. She's an average go-with-the-flow character. And I liked seeing her character development. It's probably one of the best character development I've ever read. But there was nothing to really draw me to her and love her.

    The romance I was also okay on. We got to see Wes and Macy slowly develop a relationship. First, as friends and maybe something more toward the end. I really liked being able to see their relationship develop, but...let's just say it was...dull sometimes. There was no angst. And if you're not going to give me some angst, at least don't drag the romance out until the end. It was like a roller coaster...except the build-up took a long time and in the end, it's disappointing to find how short the ride is. I've never been on a roller coaster but I'm pretty sure everybody's favorite part is the dropdown. Wes wasn't a bad character. Again, he was like Macy in some ways—okay, but forgettable.

    I really liked the Wish catering crew. I think they made the book a lot more enjoyable. They were chaotic and exactly what Macy needed to forget about Jason. Oh and Jason. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. He just needed to think more with his heart than his brain. Sorry if it sounds sappy. But hey, if it wasn't for him...Macy would have never joined the Wist catering crew. I loved Kristy. She was bold and outgoing and the perfect friend Macy needed. Kristy gave Macy a shove in the right direction and the story would have gotten nowhere if it wasn't for her.

    Macy's grief was very palpable. I could tell she missed her dad so much and if I could, I would go into the story and give her a hug. Her mother, on the other hand, I would give a (gentle) slap to the face.

    If you've read the story, you might understand why. I know she was dealing with the loss of her husband her own way, but at the same time, she was expecting Macy to be someone she wasn't—at least, not anymore.

    I was in a little reading slump and I thought I got out of it again. But after seeing that it took me six days to read this book, I realize it put me in more of a reading slump. Maybe that's why I didn't enjoy the story as much. Sarah Dessen is a good author, but I didn't love this one as much as I loved her other books.


    Sarah Dessen is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen novels for teens, including The Truth About Forever, Just Listen, and This Lullaby. Her work has been published in over thirty countries and sold millions of copies worldwide. She is the recipient of the 2017 Margaret A. Edwards Award from the American Library Association for outstanding contribution to young adult literature. Click on the image above for the link to her website!

    About the Book:
    Pages: 374 (Hardcover)
    Published Date: May 11, 2004
    Publisher: Viking Press (now owned by Penguin Random House)

    Thank you, as always, for sticking around until the end. I'm sorry if you're a Sarah Dessen fan and I'm over here trashing her books. But again, these opinions are my own. If you loved her books. Good for you! But it just wasn't for me. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Check out my social media down below and if you want to know when new content comes out, follow this blog. I will "see" you next time! ❤


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